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Project Analysis

For Hana No Komichi I aimed to transition the existing Overwatch map Hanamura from assault to the hybrid gamemode as all assault modes will be removed in Overwatch 2. I strived to merge existing design conventions found through Overwatch's diverse map roster into a coherent level with a natural flow as the player navigates through distinct regions of Kyoto.


Unfortunately, Overwatch does not support a map editor, so while developing Hana No Komichi I took into consideration feedback from other level designers and Overwatch players in order to craft the best possible level. 








MAY 2022 - JUL 2022




  • Designed and built the environment in Unreal Engine 5.

  • Iterated and changed elements based on player feedback.

  • Designed the environment to fit into the gameplay flow of Overwatch.




Overwatch Hybrid maps typically have 3 distinct themes and styles throughout each of the areas in the map. Prior to blockout I collated a series of reference images from Kyoto and the existing Overwatch maps Hanamura and Kanezaka.




Hana No Komichi ("Flower Path") takes players into Kyoto as they journey through the city exploring the modern urban environments of tomorrow and discovering the traditional architecture of the Shimada Castle.

By analysing and following design conventions found throughout Overwatch's current map rotation and using player feedback on what makes a map "good" and "bad" I set out a series of guidelines to follow when designing this map: (Note. In designing this map alot of smaller decisions and guidelines were set out, this only aims to discuss the most notable of them)

  • Design a map that remains consistent with other hybrid mode maps in Overwatch.

  • Balance chokepoints for both sides and enabling the "tug of war" gameplay found at them.

  • Design a map that fits into the Overwatch 2 design format of more cover-based gameplay and balancing this cover.

  • Design a map which enables a variety of playstyles and characters.

  • Ensure the spawns remain balanced for both attackers/defenders.

  • Enablling a positive flow throughout the level.

  • Implement existing designs found throughout Overwatch maps.

"Design a map that remains consistent with other hybrid mode maps in Overwatch."​​


Consistency with other maps.

Hana No Komichi consists of a similar structure to other hybrid modes. The first point A is a capture point, with a chokepoint placed just before. Then the capture point activates a payload which navigates to B and C, breaking the map into 3 distinct zones.

Balancing spawn points for both sides. 

In order to keep the mode balanced the spawn points for attackers and defenders changes as the objective reaches checkpoints. Attackers spawn points are moved closerwhile defenders are moved further back to the final objective. This is to ensure players are not running large stretches of nothing and are always closer to the action at the objective. Spawn points have also been designed to help prevent spawn camping by placing LOS blockers between spawn exits.

"Balance chokepoints for both sides an enabling the "tug of war" gameplay found at them."


Allowing for push/pull gameplay at a harsh choke.

In the screenshot above, you can see choke leading into objective A. It's a challenging choke for both attackers and defenders, with only a car offering cover (similar to Kings Row), however it offers multiple points of attack for the attackers and defenders. The bridge gives high ground to the team that can secure it and contains multiple routes up to it from both the defenders and attackers side. There are also side loops for players enabling the push/pull gameplay so prevelant in objective capture modes on Overwatch and giving the player agency over whether they interact with the main choke or take an alternative flanking route.

"Design a map that fits into the Overwatch 2 design format of more cover-based gameplay and balancing this cover"


Breaking LOS for a new gameplay format.

In Overwatch 2 the game has seen a massive shift from team based shield dependancy to a more brawly, cover based shooter. To accomidate these changes throughout the map I incorporated more cover than what could typically be seen throughout an Overwatch 1 map. I aimed to add cover scattered throughout the level to break large open playspaces allowing players to slowly advance utilizing the map geometry in their gameplay. I also used foliage to break LOS, something commonly found in Hanamura.

A clear exception to this influx of cover is the payload road, which is limited in cover offering a risk/reward for players closer to the objective.


"Design a map which enables a variety of playstyles and characters."

Supporting multiple playstyles.

The true strength of Overwatch is its diverse roster of heroes and I aimed to craft areas that enable different heroes while also still being accessible for everyone.


On the right is a few images, firstly a more open flanking route which also serves as a great spot for a sniper with open areas accessible. This area can also be dangerous however, with it being easily diveable from players just a ledge away; creatng risk/reward situations.

In the second image is a shortcut players with mobility tools can utilize to quickly get access to flanking routes, however gaps in the buildings enable defenders to spot flankers if they dont move carefully.

In the last image I created a spot to the left of objective A, just behind the chokepoint which can enable snipers and support players with LOS to the street and bridge area. Players here need to be mindful of the surrounding cover to ensure theyre in a safe position when healing as there are multiple sniper locations from attackers.


"Enabling a positive flow throughout the level."


Diversifying the environment

Overwatch hybrid maps typically break the level into 3 distinct zones each with their own personality. In Hana No Komichi I aimed to slowly transition the player from an urban modern environment to traditional architecture. This can help create a flow for the player and keep the level fresh visually. It additionally served to create new gameplay opportunities, with buildings in the C zone allowing for more vantage points through the buildings natural architecture and giving the area a more open playspace. Zone A on the other hand creates a more condensed playspace with tall buildings encapsulating the players.


Height progression at the macro scale.

In Hana No Komichi I aimed to create a sense of progression as attackers slowly fight an "uphill battle". This naturally gives defenders a height advantage and creates a positive flow as attackers gain new vantage points as they progress throughout the level. I also aimed to make the changes in height mostly flat angles, to avoid "head peaks" where its challenging for both sides to make out players.

This map was an amazing chance to expand my skillset as a level designer and I gained experience in creating competitive PvP shooter levels, additionally I gained more experience creating blockouts for levels rather than working with modular assets.

Notes and Additional Information:

This is a custom map and is not representative of work by Blizzard. I do not claim to be an employee of Blizzard. Some assets used in this map are owned by Blizzard and I do not claim to have created or modelled some of the assets shown on this map.

© 2023 by Callum Stables.

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