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Project Analysis

“Shelfless - 100% Off” is a retro-heist game tasking you with the goal of infiltrating the generic supermarket chain known as “GigaMart” and grabbing as many items as possible without being caught by the several defences GigaMart has put in place.

This project was completed for a university coursework alongside 2 other students. During the project we followed an agile methodology and regularly ran meetings throughout the weeks to keep track of progress.  Shelfless was a great opportunity to expand my UE skillset learning AI in C++ and collaborating in group environments using UE.

The project was designed in UE5. All assets excluding audio were designed by the team. 








SEP 2022 - JAN 2023




  • Designed and iterated on level design with 2D whiteboards and blockouts.

  • Concepted the aesthetic and design of the game to fit the requirements, aiming for a retro 2.5d theme.

  • Concepted the gameplay loop alongside other members.

  • Concepted and implemented UI design and post-FX materials.

  • Created images and 3D assets used in the game using Maya, Qubicle/MagicaVoxel, Photoshop, Aseprite.

  • Implemented materials, effects, post-FX using material nodes.

  • Implemented underlying systems and gameplay mechanics in C++.

  • Website/promotional material design.



During the conceptualization phase, we collectively brainstormed ideas and settled on the overall theme and direction of the project. The decision to develop a 2.5D shoplifting game was a unique and engaging concept that motivated us, allowed us to use the advanced rendering capabilities of UE5 and fit without the projects time constraints. This distinctive direction was decided upon to foster a stimulating gameplay experience that would effectively challenge player skills in a never before seen way.

Design goals identified in this stage include:

  • Develop a basic scene that supports 2.5D gameplay and can be the base of future development
  • Establishing an intuitive navigation system throughout the supermarket, making sure players can easily understand the layout and locate items easily.
  • Collaborate effectively as a team to pool our strengths and skills to successfully complete the project within the timeframe
  • Create a compelling and humorous experience that subtly highlights the complexity of shoplifting without shunning or promoting the act itself.
  • Gameplay needs to be engaging, where players are challenged to sneak, strategize and time their actions to avoid AI detection.



In the referencing stage of the project, I collated some reference images into a pure-ref board, we analyzed games with 2D and 2.5D perspectives, and studied the design of an interactive supermarket environment. The level design of the project was considered, where players would have limited cover from AI staff and cameras, so players will need to be continuously moving to avoid detection. In this stage the groundwork of a gameplay loop was set, moving beyond the concept and into gamification.

Design goals identified in this stage include:

  • Emphasizing the playful tension and urgency in gameplay, similar to the "Papers, Please" experience, by incorporating a risk/reward system that encourages the players to continuously steal big-ticket items to pay their rent at the end of each week

  • Designing an environment that resonates with the chosen voxel aesthetic due to the team's skills and time constraints, and to enable faster level development

  • Incorporating a comprehensive visibility system with cameras and AI characters that players need to avoid, driving the players to plan their actions strategically

  • Designing a level with limited cover to challenge players to stay on the move, constantly trying to conceal their stolen items and adding to the challenge and excitement of the game

  • Creating a memorable, visually appealing supermarket environment that feels immersive and intuitive to navigate

  • Designing a gameplay loop that maintains player engagement, blending strategy and quick decision-making with escalating difficulty



During the prototyping stage, we focused on turning the design goals established in the conceptualizing and referencing phases into a tangible prototype that can serve as a basis for future iteration. This involved several key steps:

Implementation & Design: In this phase, i worked on the character controller, complete with some rudimentary UI and an inventory system. While these were merely placeholders at this stage, they set the foundation for the gameplay mechanics. A noteworthy challenge I encountered was ensuring player visibility when the character moved behind objects or structures in the game environment. To address this, I designed a system that allowed players to see the character when obfuscated.

Another notable problem encountered in this stage was the camera angle. The goal was to create a viewing perspective that didn't reveal the entire level layout at once, so players are constantly moving around, looking over their shoulder to make sure nobody is coming. This went through a couple early iterations as too zoomed in left players with little information to strategically navigate and plan actions. Additionally, other members worked on AI implementation and generic assets, creating a basic gameplay loop to allow for playtesting and iteration.


3D Blockout: Using Unreal Engine 5, I constructed an initial 3D blockout of the map based on the 2D whiteboard layout. During this stage, I made several adjustments to better align with the design goals, such as:

  • Ensuring correct scaling by using the player character and images as references.

  • Adjusting the positioning of walls and aisles to create a simple, but robust layout that allows for strategic navigation and gameplay, aligning with our goals

  • Thoughtfully positioning the cameras to ensure players are pushed to carefully plan their actions. Here I marked the camera locations with a basic actor for future work. One area I tried to focus on was creating risk/reward for the player, so areas with high reward items would be in areas with more cameras.

  • Calibrating the size and placement of hiding spots and cover areas, balancing the level of challenge offered by the game and realistic constraints of the supermarket setting

By making these adjustments during the prototyping stage, I was able to refine the map's structure and gameplay, ensuring that it aligns with both the initial and specific design goals established during the conceptualizing and referencing phases.

Feedback & Iteration


The feedback and iteration stage played a crucial role in refining the game's design and ensuring that it effectively met the goals established during the conceptualizing, referencing, and prototyping stages. The process involved the following steps:

Feedback Gathering: After sharing images, designs, and the 3D blockout with fellow game designers and players, we received invaluable feedback. This input allowed us to identify potential issues with the level design, the pacing, the challenge, and the overall gameplay experience.

Analyzing Challenge and Pacing: I scrutinized the level layout based on the feedback received, concentrating on whether it provided a suitable balance of challenge and pacing for the players. I examined aspects such as camera placement, hiding spots, and the visibility system, all vital in creating an engaging shoplifting gameplay experience.

The insights obtained from feedback and analysis enabled me to refine the 3D blockout and modify certain elements to better meet our design goals. A few notable changes included:

  • UI Redesign: The original UI didn't match the project's aesthetic, leading me to reconsider it from a new angle. I decided to treat the camera as a separate entity, akin to a CCTV system, which drastically improved the game visuals and added an intriguing dimension to the gameplay.

  • Character and AI Redesign: The player character received a new 'realistic' pixel-art design that was less cute and more fitting to the game's theme. The AI characters were also tweaked, with the introduction of visibility cones that changed color when they detected the player, addressing a key frustration point about unclear detection mechanics.

  • Detection Meter: A new feature was introduced to give feedback to the player when they perform poorly - a detection meter located in the bottom left of the screen. This meter, represented by the player icon, gradually transitions from grey to red based on the player's suspicious actions in front of staff members or cameras.

  • Level Aesthetic and Design: Based on user feedback and time constraints, the aesthetic and design of the level underwent significant overhaul. The new layout incorporated more risk/reward mechanics and allowed us to reduce the project scope to fit within the time constraints, while still creating an engaging and challenging experience.

Through the feedback and iteration stage, the project was refined further and the design goals could be exceeded, creating an engaging, immersive and unique gameplay experience.



In the implementation phase, the focus was on finalizing the level and game mechanics, and giving the level its final artistic touches. This stage consisted of the following steps:

Level Redesign and Art Pass: The level underwent a redesign as discussed in the feedback and iteration phase, and an art pass was conducted on the level. The new assets were designed to match the pixel-art character, using 3D voxels. These aesthetic improvements made the level more visually compelling and harmonious with the rest of the game's style.


Lockdown System: A critical new mechanic was added - the lockdown system. This is triggered when the security guard is alerted, causing a shift in gameplay dynamics from stealth to a tense chase sequence. The player must hide from the security guard for a few seconds, after which they must make a mad dash to the exit. The fun of implementing this feature was in the creative application of lighting and post-processing to dramatize the transition into lockdown.

Visual Shift: During the lockdown, I implemented a visual shift from the ordinary dull whites of the supermarket to a darker, more ominous red hue. The frequency of the static effect in the post-processing increases with the player's suspicion level, reaching a peak when detected, creating an engaging visual cue for the player's current state.

Gameplay Refinement: This stage also involved fine-tuning the game mechanics and AI to strike the right balance in gameplay. The camera positions were adjusted, creating high-risk, high-reward zones, such as the electronics section. The player is incentivized to steal high-value items like TVs, but this means navigating a heavily surveilled area, adding tension and challenge to the gameplay.

Through the implementation phase, the level evolved from a simple blockout to a visually engaging, mechanically rich environment. The changes implemented enriched the gameplay experience, stayed true to our design goals, and heightened the player's sense of risk and reward.




Looking back on this project, there have been significant learnings and achievements, as well as areas identified for further development:

Areas for Improvement:

  1. Camera System: Feedback indicated that the camera system can currently be easily circumvented by stepping out of the line of sight and performing a conceal action. This issue needs to be addressed to ensure the system poses a real challenge to players.

  2. Security Guard AI: The security guard in the game feels overpowered at the moment, often surprising players due to a lack of warning of his approach. Enhancing the indication system for the guard's proximity will balance the challenge and reduce player frustration.

  3. Lockdown System: The current implementation of the lockdown system triggers too quickly and suddenly, leaving players with insufficient reaction time. This can lead to confusion and a negative gameplay experience.


  1. Visuals and Level Design: The redesigned level has been well received for its aesthetics and overall structure and design. It presents a fun and interesting space for players to explore and navigate.

  2. CCTV Display UI: The unique twist of presenting the player's action as a real-time recorded footage adds to the game's narrative and creates a captivating gameplay element.

  3. Assets: A highlight from user testing was the awesome visuals of the project!

  4. Game Concept: The core concept of Shelfless is one that's unique and interesting, and the idea alone fuelled the energy of our team for most its development.

Takeaways and New Goals:

  1. Refine the Lockdown Mechanic: The objective is to create a high adrenaline escape experience akin to games like Hitman rather than an instant failure state. By refining the lockdown system to provide players with enough time to react, the game can become more engaging and satisfying.

  2. Improve Risk/Reward Balance: The current level design doesn't adequately reward players for taking bigger risks. In future iterations, the design needs to better communicate the value of loot to players, and the camera system should pose a significant challenge to make high-risk zones truly high-risk.

By critically reflecting on the development process, its successes, and shortcomings, I am able to set clear goals for improvement and iterate on the design in future projects. This approach ensures a continuous learning and improvement trajectory that is key to developing engaging and immersive games.


Shelfless was a great opportunity to work under a tight deadline and I gained experience in group collaboration and additional experience in 3D modelling and C++.

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